Tapestry Tuesday (4/9/24)

"Enhancing your faith is my mission, carefully weaving together captivating internet topics into a tapestry of resources that supplement and uplift."


7 Tips for Reading the Book of Revelation - Open the Bible

Confession: I have struggled to read the book of Revelation. I’ve had seasons where the more effort I put into studying it, the less I understand what it’s saying or why it matters for my walk with Christ.

A Christian Approach to PTSD and Trauma – BruceAshford.net

We live in a fallen world in which we are sometimes exposed to terrifying events. Experiencing or witnessing those events can cause severe psychological trauma. However, we can be comforted in knowing that the God who experienced a traumatic crucifixion on our behalf is with us in the midst of our trauma, and that he has given medical personnel the ability to treat the brain-based distortions that result from traumatic experiences.

Would It Be Okay For Me To Be Angry With God? | Tim Challies

“It’s okay to be angry with God about this. It’s okay to tell him exactly how you feel about him right now. Let him have it. He doesn’t mind.”

How To Ruin a Perfectly Good Friendship | Tim Challies

Instead of appreciating the moments we spent together, we lament that we did not make more of them. Soon enough we find that we associate the relationship more with sorrow than pleasure, more with guilt than enjoyment.


Tapestry Tuesday (4/16/24)